Pest Control Newtown

Eco Friendly Pest Treatment

Newtown Pest Control

Need a professional pest control for your home or business in Newtown? Eco Pest Control Brisbane can treat your home for just $220. We provide a range of safe and affordable sprays and gels that are non toxic and safe for the environment. Our environmentally friendly pest control service is safe for your children and pets so you can have complete peace of mind. Please note if you have existing infestations or stubborn pest problems we may need to use stronger pesticides. We proudly provide a 100% satisfaction warranty too so if you’re not completely happy please let us know. We will resolve it for you. So if you own a home or business in Newtown don’t wait until it’s too late. Let the pest experts remove all of those nasty creepy crawlies for good.

Pests can cause diseases if they aren’t treated effectively. One minute you could be living happily with your family the next you have a gaint cockroach runnig over your kitcehn bench. It can carry diseases like salmonela, campylobacteriosis, listeriosis and even E. coli infections. We find it hard to even pronounce some of those names let alone be infected by one of them. There’s nothing fun about being sick. So if you have a pest outbreak call us to remove them for you immediately.

This is why we at Eco Pest Control Brisbane are here. We have been serving residential and commercial locations in and around Brisbane for over 20 years. With a team of well trained and experienced pest technicians we make sure your property is protected. We have the right experience to help you get rid of these annoying pests once and for all.

We’re also fully incensed with the Queensland Government, and we have the necessary liability insurance to cover all work in Newtown.

Residential Pest Control

Residential pest treatement is our primary service. We provide homes with Newtown pest control services that are affordable and very effective.

Bed bugs, ants, cockroaches and termites are the most common pests in Newtown homes. These pests breed diseases such as diarrhea and dysentery, and ants can also inject toxic substances into your body when they bite you. For the safety of everyone and everything that lives in your house, give us a call and let us help you out.

Commercial and Industrial

We also cater to the needs of commercial locations in Newtown. Our objective is to ensure that your business is pest-free. So it’s safe for both your customers and staff members. If a customer sees a cockroach running arond the floor they probably won’t come back. Moreover it could ruin the hard earned reptation you spent years building. Don’t let that become a reality. Call the professionals to have a pest audit of your company and set-up a regular monitoring program.

Whether it’s a warehouse, a hotel, an office space or a shopping mall, we are always here for you.

Termite Inspections

Given their popularity in Australia, termites are always a threat. This is why you need to ensure that you check your property for termite infestation signs. If you’re dealing with subterranean termites, you might not even know they’re in your house.

But, termites always leave signs of their presence. Holes in your walls and wooden fixtures, bubbles in your paint, and other structural defects are telling signs of a termite infestation. When you see them, give us a call.

Termite Control

Once our inspectors have determined that you have a termite problem, the next thing will be to get it fixed. Termite treatments usually involve the use of termite baits and termite barriers. Termite baits are essential materials that have been mixed with poison. Once dropped into the termite colony, these materials are fed on and shared among the termites. They immediately kill them, depleting the colony’s population and dispersing it.

On the other hand, termite barriers involve the use of chemical substances to form a barrier around your property’s perimeter. This way, the termites can never cross the barriers. We use only the best in quality chemicals, from reputable brands like Biflex and Termidor.

About the Area

Newtown is a suburb of Queensland, Australia. It is bordered by Queens Park and Brisbane Road to the west and the north respectively. With a history dating back almost 200 years, Newtown has a very rich heritage. Today, the town’s population is just a little over 3,000 people.

The median house price in Newtown is $324,000.

Why Choose Us

  • Over 20 Years Experience
  • $20 Million Public Liability Insurance Policy
  • Environmental Friendly Products
  • 24/7 Responsiveness
  • Pest Management Company
  • Complete Pest Elimination in One Visit
  • FREE Quotes and Advice
  • Written Guarantees and Warranties

Services We Offer

  • Homes, Units and Apartments
  • Hotel and Restaurants
  • Bed Bug Elimination and Protection
  • Cockroach Control
  • Termite Inspection and Control
  • Rodent Treatments
  • Stinging Insects

Pests We Treat

  • German & American Cockroaches
  • Rodent / Mice
  • Black and Brown Ants
  • Termites
  • Carpet Beetles
  • Silverfish
  • Fleas & Ticks
  • Bed Bugs

Request A Quote Today

Contact our friendly staff today and we can schedule a convenient time to book you in.

Phone us on 07 3184 8488.